Wednesday, December 21, 2005

TODAY'S VOIP NEWS: New Skype 2.0 VoIP service, now with video

Daily Telecom News By Luis Galarza

Daily VoIP News.- The rise of voice over IP services, has persuaded many people to ditch their landline in favour of free internet phones calls, with Skype being one of the most populars services around. Now Skype free service is just for pc-to-pc calls, you still have to paid for pc-to-phone calls.

VoIP provider Skype Technologies released a new version of its software that includes video calling. Skype 2.0 also provides users with a greater ability to customize their VoIP service, like a tool bar for Microsoft Outlook. Which latter allows users to dial people directly from their contact lists. For more information about this article just go to: Red Herring, The New York Times (free registration), Los Angeles Times (free registration), The Wall Street Journal


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