Sunday, January 29, 2006

VOIP NEWS: Residential VoIP pricing still steady

Daily Telecom News by Luis Galarza from

VoIP Industry News & Updates.- VoIP Monitor's review of the U.S. consumer VoIP pricing reveals that prices for unlimited service continue to hold pretty steady since early last year, following a period of intense price cuts and market entry during 2004. The unlimited-service VoIP market remains segmented into several tiers, with cable operators such as Time Warner Cable and Cablevision clustered at the high end (as much as $50 per month), small independent service providers such as Lingo and Packet8 found mainly at the low end (generally at $19.95 per month) and telco VoIP services and a few of the larger independent providers such as Vonage and Verizon's VoiceWing somewhere in between ($25 to $30 per month).

Some of the trends noticed have been a movement toward packages in the under-$10 per month range and cable operators experiencing healthy VoIP growth despite charging the highest prices. There is also a new rush to the bottom for companies pursuing VoIP service models based on per-minute pricing and low monthly charges for phone numbers needed to receive incoming PSTN calls. VoIP Monitor predicts that while this recent decline in per-minute pricing may not have immediate impacts on the unlimited flat-rate VoIP sector, it is an indication that price competition is likely to intensify as companies jockey for position within and between sectors..

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